The Harvest Season
Hong Kong
Urban Skylight Digital Art Series
Commissioned by Hang Seng Bank
Autumn Theme “The Harvest Season” digital artwork inspired by the 24 Solar Terms in China, the 24 solar terms ( 二十四節氣 ) were created thousands of years ago to guide agricultural production, the solar term culture is still useful today to guide people’s lives through special foods, cultural ceremonies with each term. In our modern society, the idea of 24 solar terms might be well forgotten due to the high speed / mass produce food consumption culture, people might forgot how our food came from and its essence, in which our livelihood is very much depends on nature (based on the solar terms and the ever changing weather). Thus, the artwork showed a gratitude and respect to nature and encourage audience to reconnect to this ancient value which nurtured our ancestors throughout thousands of years.
Autumn is the time when crops are finally ready to be harvested, the video artwork also depicted the abstract wheat field moving landscape painting under the breeze, the giant hands from the sky holding the dancing wheats, carried it down to earth, posing an open hands gesture and released the wheats at the end. The artwork story presented the important messages of paying respect and grateful to our nature, which given us prosperity and abundance, and also remind our public to cherishing the food, in the aim to respond to our global food crisis and unbalance of wealth distribution.
秋天是農作物終於可以收割的時候,錄像作品描繪了微風徐徐下的麥田抽象動人的風景畫,天上的巨手托著舞動的麥子,把它帶到地上, 最後張開雙手送出小麥。藝術作品的故事傳達了賦予我們繁榮富足重要訊息 - 感激大自然,也提醒公眾珍惜食物,以應對全球糧食危機和財富分配不平衡。