Gardens by the Bay, Singapore
The ROOM ‘Huetopia’ by Desmond Leung is art projection installation / colour altar honouring the earth, sky, spirit and constellation, presenting the ritual of the ever changing day and night time landscape by illuminating the spectrum of light and darkness through colour and nature elements.
Artist attempted to create a Sacred Space through dynamic colour movement like a moving Veil Painting. This artwork inspired by the anthroposophical color therapy, emphasizing the creative forces of light and darkness in painting, which similar to the use of Yin Yan and the flow of forces (chi) in Chinese Ink Wash Painting, both artistically and therapeutically.
Artist believed that light, color and darkness, color movement has a therapeutic effect on the viewer as well as the painter, human being sensed spirit through light, space and movement, that we touch the soul / spiritual world through color, leads us to our cosmic imagination.
Original Sketches
“Huetopia” Moving landscapes